This EA trade using a combination of martingale and hedging methods. Because of this method, this EA has a high ROI(Return on investment) with almost a 100% chance of blowing the account if you don’t have enough deposit. How Much Profit you can make monthly depends on your lot size and risk value.
After a Long time of using this strategy, Blowing your account is inevitable. However, with the periodic withdrawal of investments, the theory of probability works in our favor. After the initial investment is withdrawn, the dangerous martingale strategy immediately becomes break-even and highly profitable.
Please test in a demo account first for at least a week. Also, Make yourself familiar and understand how this Martingale EA works, then only use it in a real account.
Recommendations for this Forex Scalper
- We recommend running this free forex EA on a reliable VPS (Reliable and Trusted FOREX VPS – FXVM)
- Low Spread account is also Highly Recommended (Find the Perfect Broker For You Here)
Default settings are best for some $250
account capital.
M15,M30 and H1 are best timeframes.
EURUSD, GBPUSD, GBPJPY, EURGBP, EURCHF, AUDUSD are some best profitable and low risky pairs.
If your account capital less than 100$ then 2 currency pairs are enough at a time.
SERIAL KEY: Just Add any Random Key